Welcome to the Church family!

Below you'll find several ways you can get connected to people in our church and help us continue to grow in the way we welcome others in.

Connect Digitally

We want to help connect you to Jesus and what He's doing within The Exchange Church family without blowing up your inbox! (We rarely send more than one email in a week.)
Social media is where the people, so that's where we hang out to. The goal isn't to add to the noise or the chaos, but to speak encouragement and equip people to follow Jesus well!
A safe place for The Exchange family members to interact in an online community, to share prayer needs, and to find ways to be the church to one another and our city.
The Church Center App helps The Exchange Church Family stay connected to resources throughout the week. The Church Center App is the best way to connect with the LIFE Journal, check your kids in on Sundays, get information about our church, browse & join groups, watch or listen to sermons, give to our church, and so much more!

Connect Physically

We weren't designed to do life alone! We believe life is better when it's done together and that happens in a group. Groups are an opportunity to connect with Jesus and other people.
From birth to graduation parents have about 936 weeks with their child. We want to equip both parents and children to own their faith so when a child leave home they leave with a solid foundation built on Jesus.
We sum up our mission as a church family like this: Get life. Give life. That means we get life in Jesus and give life to others through Jesus. A key way that happens is by serving on one of our Doorholder teams. Each team serves in a way that helps prepare the way for others to experience life in Jesus.

Help Us improve in how we welcome people!

Your experience with The Exchange family matters! Our goal is to help remove barriers from you connecting with other people and with Jesus. With your help we can do that. Answer a few questions on our survey and leave knowing you helped someone else have a phenomenal experience!