The Bible
The Bible was written by men who were inspired by God. It is without error and was written for the building up and instruction of all mankind. Scripture is the supreme source of truth for Christian beliefs. It is alive and has the power to encourage hearts, direct minds, and change lives.
(2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Psalm 119:105, 160; Romans 15:4; Titus 1:1-3; 2 Timothy 1:13, Psalm 12:6)
God is the Creator and Ruler of the universe. He is an intelligent, spiritual, and personal Being. God is all-powerful and all knowing; and His perfect knowledge extends to all things, past, present, and future. He has eternally existed in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. While each of these three has their own individual characteristics, they are co-equal and form one God.
(Genesis 1:1,26,27; 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; I Peter 1:2; Romans 11:33-36; 2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 John 3:20; Acts 17:24-25)
Jesus christ
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of a virgin named Mary. He is equal to the Father. Jesus lived a sinless human life and offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all men by dying on a cross. He arose from the dead after three days to demonstrate His power over sin and death. He ascended to Heaven’s glory where He rules over the universe and prays for His people. Jesus will one day return visibly to earth.
(Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1-5; Hebrews 4:14-15; John 1:1, 14; Romans 8:34; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Colossians 1:15-22; Titus 2:13-14; Acts :19-11; Hebrews 1:1-3; 1 Peter 2:21-24)
holy spirit
The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, fully divine. The Holy Spirit is equal with the Father and the Son as God. He is present in the world to make men aware of their need for Jesus Christ. He also lives in every believer from the moment of salvation. He provides the Christian with power for living, understanding of spiritual truth, and guidance in doing what is right. The Christian seeks to live under His control daily.
(John 16:7-13; 14:16-17, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16, 12:3-11,13, Ephesians 1:13-14, Galatians 5:25)
Man is made in the image of God. He is the supreme object of God’s creation. Although God designed man to have fellowship with him, man became separated from God through a free choice of disobedience. As a result, all human beings are born with a sinful nature and choose to sin against God. Man is incapable of regaining a right relationship with God through his own efforts.
(John 16:7-13; 14:16-17, Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 2:10-14; 3:16, 12:3-11,13, Ephesians 1:13-14, Galatians 5:25)
Salvation is a gift from God to man. Man can never make up for his sin by self-improvement, religious routines, or good works. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ as God’s offer of forgiveness can man be saved from sin’s penalty. Eternal life begins the moment one receives Jesus Christ into his life by faith. We believe that the Holy Spirit comes to live in those who are “reborn” as God’s children. As Christians live in obedience to God, the Holy Spirit empowers them to continually overcome sin and become more like Christ. We believe that those who are truly born again will be protected by God’s power and steadfastly continue in their Christian life until the end.
(Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 14:6; 1:12, Titus 3:5, John 3:16; Galatians 5:16; 2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 Thessalonians 3:13; 5:23-24)
THe church
The Church is the body of Christ of which Jesus is the Head. We believe the Church is universal and is made up of all who have trusted Christ across time. We also believe in the local church, which is an autonomous, geographically local congregation of baptized believers who gather for worship, spiritual growth, service, fellowship and observance of the ordinances of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. The local church operates under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and is governed by pastors/elders who are assisted by deacons. God has commissioned the local church to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations.
(Matthew 16:16-19; 28:18-20; Acts 2:41-47; 20:28; Ephesians 1:22-23; 3:20-21; 4:11-13; Acts 2:41-42)
The church is charged by Scripture to celebrate two ordinances: baptism and the Lord’s Supper. All who have received Jesus as Savior should be baptized by immersion as a symbolic testimony to their participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. In the same way, believers should regularly participate in the Lord’s Supper as a symbolic remembrance of Christ’s death and as a testimony of our fellowship with Him and our unity as the body of Christ.
(Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 2:41-42; 1 Corinthians 11:23-26)
Marriage is a biblical institution established by God as clearly described in the scriptures. We recognize that marriage as the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. Accordingly, this church, its pastors, staff and members will not participate in same-sex unions, same-sex “marriages,” or domestic partnership ceremonies nor shall any of its property or resources be used for such purposes.
(Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-5; 1 Corinthians 7:2-16; Ephesians 5:23-33; Romans 1:26-27)
last things
God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. At the final judgment, unbelievers will be separated forever from God in a place of everlasting punishment because of their rejection of Jesus Christ. Believers, in their resurrected bodies, will live in God’s glorious presence as they worship and serve Him forever.