You are the most influential person in your kid's life.
We want to help equip you to show them what it means to follow Jesus.

This Month in Next Gen:

(scroll to see each area or select the one you want to see)


A series on the miracles of Jesus

When we visit an aquarium, we find a whole world filled with sea creatures, plants, and more. Some of the discoveries we've made about what lives underwater can seem almost like a miracle. But it's not just under the sea where miracles happen—Jesus used water in some of his most well-known miracles! In this series, kids will learn about some of the incredible miracles Jesus performed to help people grow closer to God. As they do, they'll learn how Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow him, knows what we need, and, most of all, that Jesus can do anything!

Monthly Memory Verse:

“You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.” — Psalm 77:14 (NIV)
Watch this video to see what hand motions go with the verse this month!
LittleLIFE is also working with our older Preschoolers and Kindergarteners to start learning the New Testament books of the Bible.
Check out this fun song!

LittleLIFE Grow Question:

LittleLIFE is teaching this Grow Question for 3 months as a way to help disciple preschoolers to learn big truths in a little way. (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)

LittleLIFE Upcoming Events:

LittleLIFE Movie Night: March 2nd @ 4pm
Join your LittleLIFE friends for a fun evening to fellowship together, watch a movie, and enjoy some fun snacks.
Click here to register!

LittleLIFE Spiritual Habit:

Click here to a look at what we’re covering during LittleLIFE experiences with your kids so you can help them continue to grow at home during the week. We encourage you to read the passage with your child each week as you help them learn what it means to spend time with God!


Jesus Knows Us

The message that God knows us is reinforced over and over again in the Bible. Jesus told a group of His followers not to worry because God knows what they need. Jesus knew the heart of the woman who anointed His feet with oil and loved her deeply despite her sin. Knowing Peter’s fear when they were walking on water together, Jesus rescued him. Jesus wanted His disciples to know Him and see Him as their Rescuer just like God wants us to know Him.

Monthly Memory Verse:

"O Lord, you have searched me and known me!" Psalm 139:1

KidLIFE Grow Question:

KidLIFE is committed to the theological education of your kids. One of the ways we do this is through teaching truths through questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)

KidLIFE Parent Resources of the Month:

>Check out this playlist of songs that your kids sing in KidLIFE on Sunday's and see how many they know!
>Click here to view a tool that you can use to disciple your child(ren) throughout the week with a calendar that pairs with what they are learning in KidLIFE!

KidLIFE Spiritual Habit:

Level UP! is a spiritual habit tool used to encourage Bible reading and spiritual conversations in the home.
Through the use of competition, peer accountability, and incentives, Level UP! is designed to help form new and solidified habits of discipleship for your family in a fun and engaging way. We are praying that this tool will help you develop a consistent rhythm of engaging with God's word long after this competition ends.
Check out WEEK 1 to start Leveling Up!
Each family that completes all 3 weeks of the challenge, no matter the score, will receive a gift card for ice cream!
The family with the highest overall score after 3 weeks will win a Family Fun Prize Pack!
Winner will be announced, Sunday, March 9th, 2024 at KidLIFE. No matter the results, we all win together!

KidLIFE Upcoming Events:

If your child is asking faith-based questions or has expressed belief in Jesus and is looking for the next right step, sign up for the New Beginnings Class. This class is designed for families to attend alongside their child to learn more about the foundation of the Christian faith on their level and to equip parents to better discern their child’s belief in and understanding of the gospel of Jesus. Register here!


A series about the Israelites in the wilderness

>Ingratitude leads us to long for something other than God’s provision. The people grumbled because they thought they needed more than God had provided. God has already provided what we need most—His Son, Jesus, who died and rose again so we could be saved.
>Forgetting God’s provision causes us to distrust Him when we’re in need. If we believe the words God has spoken about Jesus and place our faith in Him, we will be saved from our sin and will enter the new heaven and new earth.
>God heals us when we repent of our sin. Jesus said that eternal life would be granted to all who look to Him lifted up on the cross and believe in Him.
>Believing God’s Word and obeying Him leads to life. The law was intended to point to Jesus, the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. He is the Word of life in whom we believe and whom we obey.

56LIFE Family Connection:

Check out this resource for you to connect with your preteen over what they are learning in 56LIFE!

56LIFE Grow Question:

56LIFE is committed to teaching gospel truths in easy-to-remember ways. One of the ways we do this is through teaching a true statement using questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)


A series on Godly Friendships

Game shows can reveal the real strength behind friendships. Whether we're asking for help, solving puzzles, or overcoming challenges, quality friendships can help us move on to the next round of competition. So, what does it look like to develop game-winning friendships? In this series from the Old and New Testaments, we'll explore how godly friendships can make a difference when we're in the hot seat. We'll see how God's words can help our friendships grow, how our friends can help our faith grow, the ways God can help us choose our friends wisely, and how God can help repair broken friendships.

Monthly Verse:

"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
— 1 Peter 4:8

StudentLIFE Grow Question:

StudentLIFE is committed to teaching gospel truths in easy-to-remember ways. One of the ways we do this is through teaching a true statement using questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)

Upcoming StudentLIFE Events:

>StudentLIFE Extra Feb. 2nd and 16th @ 11
>Switch Night: Family Edition- Wednesday Feb. 26th @ 6:30
If your student is asking faith-based questions or has expressed belief in Jesus and is looking for the next right step, sign up for the New Beginnings Class. This class is designed for families to attend alongside their teenager to learn more about the foundation of the Christian faith on their level and to equip parents to better discern their student's belief in and understanding of the gospel of Jesus. Register here!

StudentLIFE Spiritual Habit:

Want to help your student learn how to develop a spiritual habit of spending time with God?
Let us know if you would like a weekly email with resources deigned to help you do just that!

Our #1 Parenting Resource:

Parenting isn't the big moments, it's every moment.

  • Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate.
  • Your child spends 1 hour per week at church and 167 hours per week away from church.
  • Those can be a daunting numbers, but meaningful faith moments don't just happen at church. Meaningful faith moments with your family can fit seamlessly into the daily rhythm of your life.
  • We want to join you in the journey of learning how to make faith a part of your daily routine by being a constant presence with your kids in Next Gen, by teaching them Gospel truths, and by equipping you to do the same the other 167 hours of the week! 

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