You are the most influential person in your kid's life.
We want to help equip you to show them what it means to follow Jesus.

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This Month in Next Gen:

(scroll to see each area or select the one you want to see)


A series on the early life of Jesus

People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a
new environment. And when it comes to camping, no one loved it as much as John the Baptist. In this series,
kids will hear about John the Baptist's special role in preparing the way for Jesus and his ministry.
John's story will help kids to say their camp motto,
"I believe God gives me purpose. I believe God can speak to me. I believe God is
powerful. I believe God's words are true."

Monthly Memory Verse:

"We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
— John 6:69 (NIV)

LittleLIFE is also working with our older Preschoolers and Kindergarteners to start learning the New Testament books of the Bible.
Check out this fun song!

Grow Question:

LittleLIFE is teaching this Grow Question for 3 months as a way to help
disciple preschoolers to learn big truths in a little way.

Question: Why did God send Jesus to save you?
Answer: Jesus loves me!

LittleLIFE Upcoming Events:

LittleLIFE Craft Day: February 1st 9-11
This free indoor opportunity is for preschool families to have connection time together with fun, simple crafts and a build-a-snack table.
Click here to register!


A series about the life of Jesus

Jesus grew up and developed like any other kid. But, He lived in complete obedience to God. From the moment He was born, He was fully God but also fully man. Even as a kid, Jesus was seeking God. We will learn in this series that we can grow in our relationship with God too. Jesus studied God’s Word, prayed, listened to wise teachers, and asked questions.
Because Jesus was fully human, He understands our temptations, He shows us mercy and grace and provides a way out.
Because He was fully God, Jesus was the perfect sacrifice and defeated death by rising from the dead.
While on Earth, Jesus performed many amazing miracles and forgave people of their sins. Because Jesus is the Son of God, He has the power to forgive sins and to heal. Jesus is the only way for us to be forgiven and made right with God.
Living God’s way is the best way, so the most loving thing we can do for our friends is help them know Jesus.

Monthly Memory Verse:

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory."
-John 1:14a

Grow Question:

KidLIFE is committed to the theological education of your kids. One of the ways we do this is through
teaching truths through questions and answers.
Learn this Grow Question with us!

Grow question: What is our only source of God’s word in this world?
Answer: The Bible is God’s true word
Supporting Verse: For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating as far as the separation of soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

KidLIFE Parent Resources of the Month:

>Check out this playlist of songs that your kids sing in KidLIFE on Sunday's and see how many they know!

>Click here to view a new tool that you can use to disciple your child(ren) throughout the week
with a calendar that pairs with what they are learning in KidLIFE!


A series about God

In this series, 56LIFE will be learning these truths:
How we love God affects the way we love others
We’re made to worship God alone
Although God is holy, He makes a way for us to come into His presence
We depend on Jesus’s sacrifice to enter God’s holy presence

56LIFE Family Connection:

Check out this resource for you to connect with your preteen over what they are learning in 56LIFE!


A series on following Jesus

During his time on earth, Jesus' message was clear—from now on, things will be different. Jesus spent his life showing
people how God wanted to connect with them and help them connect with each other.
Because of Jesus, our world can be forever changed—we just need to follow him.
In this series from the Gospels, we'll explore what it means to follow Jesus and look at the life he invites us into.
We'll see how we can trust Jesus is with us, how Jesus gives us peace,
how we can trust Jesus loves us, and how Jesus gives us a place to belong.

Monthly Verse:

"This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world
that we might live through him." — 1 John 4:9 (NIV)

Upcoming StudentLIFE Events:

>Collide: Feb. 7-9th
Click here to register your 7th-12th grader!

Our #1 Parenting Resource:

Parenting isn't the big moments, it's every moment.

  • Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate.
  • Your child spends 1 hour per week at church and 167 hours per week away from church.
  • Those can be a daunting numbers, but meaningful faith moments don't just happen at church. Meaningful faith moments with your family can fit seamlessly into the daily rhythm of your life.
  • We want to join you in the journey of learning how to make faith a part of your daily routine by being a constant presence with your kids in Next Gen, by teaching them Gospel truths, and by equipping you to do the same the other 167 hours of the week!