You are the most influential person in your kid's life.
We want to help equip you to show them what it means to follow Jesus.

This Month in Next Gen:

(scroll to see each area or select the one you want to see)


A series on the teachings of Jesus

Every great movie tells a great story. When we see those stories played out on the big screen, we can learn a little
more about ourselves and the world around us. Jesus knew how powerful stories could be, and he made them a big
part of how he taught his followers. In this series, kids will hear some of the stories
Jesus shared that can help them see the big picture of a life spent following God.
Kids will see that:
>God helps us know what's true
>We can give back to God
>God sends us helpers
>God gives us second chances
>We belong in God's family

Monthly Memory Verse:

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things
you do not know.” — Jeremiah 33:3 (NIV)
Watch this video to see what hand motions go with the verse this month!
LittleLIFE is also working with our older Preschoolers and Kindergarteners to start learning the New Testament books of the Bible.
Check out this fun song!

LittleLIFE Grow Question:

LittleLIFE is teaching this Grow Question for 3 months as a way to help disciple preschoolers to learn big truths in a little way. (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)


Jesus Cares for Us

>Jesus cares about us and our struggles, and we can call out to Him about anything at any time.
>God loves all people. He designed us to show the world His love when we love others.
>Jesus knows what is best for us and teaches us the best way to live. Jesus knows we will never find
true happiness or fulfillment in earthly things. True joy is found in Christ alone.
>Jesus is love and loves all people deeply. People are created by God and every person is made in His image.
>Jesus never sinned, but He chose to take the punishment for our sin in our place. Because of His great love for us,
He died in our place so that we could be forgiven.

Monthly Memory Verse:

"Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7, NIV)

KidLIFE Grow Question:

KidLIFE is committed to the theological education of your kids. One of the ways we do this is through teaching truths through questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)

KidLIFE Parent Resources of the Month:

>Check out this playlist of songs that your kids sing in KidLIFE on Sunday's and see how many they know!
>Click here to view a tool that you can use to disciple your child(ren) throughout the week with a calendar that pairs with what they are learning in KidLIFE!

KidLIFE Spiritual Habit:

Level UP! is a spiritual habit tool used to encourage Bible reading and spiritual conversations in the home.
Through the use of competition, peer accountability, and incentives, Level UP! is designed to help form new and solidified habits of discipleship for your family in a fun and engaging way. We are praying that this tool will help you develop a consistent rhythm of engaging with God's word long after this competition ends.
Check out WEEK 3 to start Leveling Up!
Each family that completes all 3 weeks of the challenge, no matter the score, will receive a gift card for ice cream!
The family with the highest overall score after 3 weeks will win a Family Fun Prize Pack!
Winner will be announced, Sunday, March 9th, 2024 at KidLIFE. No matter the results, we all win together!

KidLIFE Upcoming Events:

Get ready for Pet Palooza with Safari Steve happening in KidLIFE on Sunday, March 30th at the 9:30 and 11:00 gatherings!
This fun-filled day will feature Safari Steve teaching your kids about how Jesus cares for them AND a showcase of a variety of fascinating animals for an experience your kids will not want to miss! This is a great opportunity for your child to invite a friend from school, your neighborhood, or sports team to hear about Jesus in an engaging way.


A series about the power of God

After wandering for forty years, God’s people entered the promised land, but they carried patterns of sinfulness, distrust, and disobedience with them. Although they committed to following only Yahweh in a land of many false gods, they quickly fell into idolatry. The cycle from the wilderness followed them into Canaan. It’s easy for us to recognize Israel’s cycle of disobedience because it’s our cycle as well. But there was a much more powerful cycle at work beneath all of Israel’s failures: a cycle of God’s patience and redemption. Their sin ran deep, but His love and grace ran deeper. This same cycle of God’s patience and redemption continues with us. And this cycle can’t and won’t be broken.

56LIFE Family Connection:

Check out this resource for you to connect with your preteen over what they are learning in 56LIFE!

56LIFE Grow Question:

56LIFE is committed to teaching gospel truths in easy-to-remember ways. One of the ways we do this is through teaching a true statement using questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)


A series on Spiritual Formation

Good movies capture our imaginations and transport us to other worlds. As we watch our favorite movies with popcorn
in hand, we may not realize all of the work, edits, and rewrites that went into making the cinematic masterpiece. The
same is true of our faith, too. We might expect our relationship with God to look like a finished product, but really, our
faith and relationship with God are still in the making. In this series from the Gospels and Epistles, we'll explore
what can happen when we invest in spiritual formation.
We'll see how spending time with God can:
>make us more like Jesus
>when we face temptation, we can ask God for help
>help our character grow
>help us grow when we make things right with God

Monthly Verse:

"To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example,
that you should follow in his steps."
— 1 Peter 2:21

StudentLIFE Grow Question:

StudentLIFE is committed to teaching gospel truths in easy-to-remember ways. One of the ways we do this is through teaching a true statement using questions and answers. Learn this Grow Question with us! (Click the side arrows to find the answer!)

Upcoming StudentLIFE Events:

>StudentLIFE Extra March 2nd and 16th @ 11
>Switch Night: Family Edition- Wednesday, March 26th @ 6:30

StudentLIFE Spiritual Habit:

Want to help your student learn how to develop a spiritual habit of spending time with God?
Let us know if you would like a weekly email with resources deigned to help you do just that!

Our #1 Parenting Resource:

Parenting isn't the big moments, it's every moment.

  • Every parent has 936 weeks of influence from the time their child is born until they graduate.
  • Your child spends 1 hour per week at church and 167 hours per week away from church.
  • Those can be a daunting numbers, but meaningful faith moments don't just happen at church. Meaningful faith moments with your family can fit seamlessly into the daily rhythm of your life.
  • We want to join you in the journey of learning how to make faith a part of your daily routine by being a constant presence with your kids in Next Gen, by teaching them Gospel truths, and by equipping you to do the same the other 167 hours of the week! 

Stay up to date with Next Gen:

The Exchange Parents Facebook
The Exchange Parents Instagram