Why covenant membership Renewal?
We value your place in our spiritual family, and we want to ensure we are serving you and helping you grow as a follower of Jesus and Covenant Member of The Exchange family.
There are over 50 different commands in the New Testament you cannot follow unless you commit to joining a local body of believers. We celebrate your obedience to commit to this local spiritual family. Covenant Membership through The Exchange brings opportunities and care to those who commit to our spiritual family that many regular attenders do not always get.
A large part of Covenant Membership is community and accountability, and we are seeking to make certain both are happening adequately. Time has passed since you originally committed to Covenant Membership with The Exchange and perhaps life has changed. Thus, we want to provide everyone an opportunity to renew your commitments to be an active part of The Exchange family through annual Covenant Membership renewal.
Covenant Membership renewal is birthed out of a desire to be certain we as a church family are honoring God, His Word, His people, and His vision for our church. This Covenant Membership renewal will give you a chance to review your own personal faith, to reflect on how the church and its leaders have served God’s people, to refresh yourself with the importance of the Gospel, and to recommit to another year of Covenant Membership with The Exchange.
Should you choose not to recommit to Covenant Membership, you are still welcomed and encouraged to be a part of The Exchange family! Our goal is to allow you a chance to recommit or not based on what you feel God is calling you to in this season.
If you choose to not recommit in this season you are able to recommit to being a Covenant Member in the future if you wish. We do ask if you are choosing to not recommit at this moment you let us know so church leadership can continue to know how to love and serve you well. You can do that by tapping here.
Finally, if you are now attending another church, please let us know by tapping here.
The Exchange leadership is praying renewal is a time of celebration and growth as you look back on your spiritual journey and forward to what God has next for you and this church family!
In this section, think personally about your faith in light of our church's core values.
(We suggest taking the time to write or type out your responses as an act of worship by reviewing your faith in action. You do not have to return this section to church leadership.)
(We suggest taking the time to write or type out your responses as an act of worship by reviewing your faith in action. You do not have to return this section to church leadership.)
- TRUTH - Do I live in a way that demonstrates a belief that the Bible is true, that the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith, and that the Bible is a compass for my life and others?
- SELFLESSNESS - Am I living selflessly with my time, financial resources, and gifts, even when it would be easier and more convenient to be selfish?
- REACHING - Do I actively try to reach others with the truth of Jesus by praying for, investing in, and connecting those around me with the hope of Jesus?
- DISPERSING - Have I been intentional to be a part of Christ-centered community outside of Sunday Worship Gatherings?
- CELEBRATING - Is my whole life a reflection of worship and gratitude to Jesus for paying the price for my sin and offering me eternal life?
In this section, think about our church family and leadership in light of our church's core values.
Part of Covenant Membership is your spiritual family serving you and helping you grow as a Christ follower.
This part of the renewal process is anonymous.
Answer Yes or No, and add any additional comments you would like so we can better serve you.
(If the form does not open or allow you to type check your popup blocker.)
Part of Covenant Membership is your spiritual family serving you and helping you grow as a Christ follower.
This part of the renewal process is anonymous.
Answer Yes or No, and add any additional comments you would like so we can better serve you.
(If the form does not open or allow you to type check your popup blocker.)
In this section, take time to refresh on the importance of hearing the Gospel, digging into scripture, spending time in prayer and sharing the Gospel.
The videos and resources below can be utilized to help you be someone who knows, lives out, and shares the Gospel.
The videos and resources below can be utilized to help you be someone who knows, lives out, and shares the Gospel.
Hear the Gospel
Dig into Scripture
Spend Time in Prayer
Share the Gospel
How do I start a conversation about the Gospel?
By using this simple framework you can get to know someone, learn about their faith, and share your own faith with them.
By using this simple framework you can get to know someone, learn about their faith, and share your own faith with them.
- ASK – Ask people questions. As you get to know them begin asking questions about their beliefs.
- ADMIRE – Admire good things about what they believe even if it is different from what you believe.
- ADMIT – Admit the reason you are a Christian is because you are messed up and you needed Jesus to save you. Share the Gospel with them going into as much detail as context allows.
- ASK - Ask “Did that make sense?” “What is holding you back from putting your faith in Jesus right now?” “Would you be interested in talking about this again soon?”
How do I tell someone what the Gospel is?
Use the Life On Mission app that walks you through the 3 Circles giving you the exact words you can say. You can also use the Gospel acrostic as a jumping off point to help explain the big picture of the Gospel. (Each point of the Gospel acrostic is further explained in the download.)
Use the Life On Mission app that walks you through the 3 Circles giving you the exact words you can say. You can also use the Gospel acrostic as a jumping off point to help explain the big picture of the Gospel. (Each point of the Gospel acrostic is further explained in the download.)
- God created us to be with Him. (Genesis 1-2)
- Our sins separate us from God. (Genesis 3)
- Sins cannot be removed by good deeds. (Genesis 4 – Malachi 4)
- Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again. (Matthew – Luke)
- Everyone who trusts in Him alone has eternal life. (John)
- Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever. (Acts – Revelation)
Thank you for your time to review and evaluate your Covenant Membership with The Exchange!
If you chose to recommit to Covenant Membership with The Exchange, please be sure to complete the four sections Review, Reflect, Refresh, and Recommit on this page.
If you chose not to recommit at this time but would like to at a future date, you can do so at any time through this page. We do ask if you are choosing to not recommit at this moment you let us know so church leadership can continue to know how to love and serve you well. You can do that by tapping here.
Thank you for your commitment to be a part of The Exchange family where we exist to see people exchange their old life for new life in Christ and live out their purpose!
If you chose to recommit to Covenant Membership with The Exchange, please be sure to complete the four sections Review, Reflect, Refresh, and Recommit on this page.
If you chose not to recommit at this time but would like to at a future date, you can do so at any time through this page. We do ask if you are choosing to not recommit at this moment you let us know so church leadership can continue to know how to love and serve you well. You can do that by tapping here.
Thank you for your commitment to be a part of The Exchange family where we exist to see people exchange their old life for new life in Christ and live out their purpose!