Practical Things To Know

You Need to Bring:

(Backpacks are helpful to carry and keep up with all your things)
  • Cold weather clothing
  • Sheets/sleeping bag and pillow for Twin XL
  • Toiletries and towel
  • Bible
  • Any additional snacks/drinks you want outside of meals

Where and When to Go:

  • Twin Lakes Camp - 155 Milner Rd, Florence, MS 39073
    • Go to the Woodside Dining Hall
      • Take a left once you enter Twin Lakes and follow the signs from there.
    • Park in any paved parking spot around the dining hall. DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS.
    • Go inside the Woodside Dining Hall and check-in at the registration table before doing anything else so you can get your cabin number and other needed details.
      • After checking in, you can drive to drop off things at your cabin, but you cannot park in the loop around the cabins nor on the ground around the cabins. You can stop long enough to drop off items or park in any paved parking spot.
  • You can arrive anytime after 1:30 pm
  • Dinner is at 6:30 pm on Friday (The kitchen staff start clean up promptly so try not to be late.)
  • Breakfast is at 8:30 am on Saturday (The kitchen staff start clean up promptly so try not to be late.)

For Commuters:

  • The gate to Twin Lakes is open during daylight hours and closed at night. The gate sensor will automatically let you out of the gate at anytime so you can stay for late night activities.  
  • The gate has to be opened via an employee for someone to enter after hours. If you need to enter and the gate is closed call a church leader and we will get you let in.

Free Time Activities:

(some equipment is provided but it is best to bring your own)
  • Fishing
  • Basketball
  • Pickle Ball
  • Disc Golf
  • Corn Hole
  • Board Games
  • Card Games
  • Nature Trails / Tower Climb

Order a T-Shirt:

  • After years of requests, the official Man Up T-shirt is finally available! Shirts are an optional additional cost, printed on demand, and shipped directly to you. Check out the shirt options here!

The Full Weekend Schedule:

Prepare Your Heart, Soul, Mind, & Strength for the Weekend

Hear the Vision for This Weekend:

Read and Ready Yourself Before the Weekend:

When someone first surrenders their life to Jesus, it is a powerful moment. They move from death to life, from darkness to light. But that moment isn't the finish line—it is the starting block. God doesn't save us just to leave us as we were; He saved us to transform us, to grow us, and to make us more like Christ.
Billy Graham once said, “Being a Christian is more than an instantaneous conversion; it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.” Think of a tree planted in good soil. It starts as a small seedling but, over time, grows into something strong and fruitful. The tree doesn’t force its growth; it simply stays rooted in the right soil, receiving water and light. Your growth in Christ works much the same way. When you remain rooted in Him—through His Word, through prayer, and through fellowship—you’ll naturally produce fruit.
The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 2:6-7 (NIV), “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Notice Paul’s emphasis on continuing to live in Christ, being built up, and being strengthened. Growth isn’t automatic, but it is expected.
Sometimes, though, we get stuck. Maybe it’s busyness, comfort, or even spiritual laziness. It’s easy to settle into routines that keep us from growing. But God has more for you! He wants to deepen your faith, broaden your impact, and increase your spiritual maturity.
A pastor once shared this story: A man visited a vineyard and noticed a row of grapevines that seemed stunted and dry. The vineyard keeper explained that those particular vines had shallow roots. They had started well but never dug deep into the soil to find the water and nutrients needed to thrive. The same is true for us. Shallow faith might survive for a season, but it can’t thrive long-term. God wants you to have deep roots—roots that hold strong in storms, roots that draw from His endless supply of grace and truth.
Reflection Questions:
  • In what areas of your life are you stagnant in your faith?
  • What’s one step you can take this week to grow in Christ?
  • How can you deepen your roots in God’s Word and presence?
Time of Prayer: 
Take a moment to pray. Ask God to reveal areas where you need growth. Invite Him to deepen your roots in His truth. If you’re struggling with spiritual stagnancy, lay that before Him. Pray for a hunger for His Word and a desire to become more like Jesus each day.
Time of Prayer: 
Take a moment to pray. Ask God to reveal areas where you need growth. Invite Him to deepen your roots in His truth. If you’re struggling with spiritual stagnancy, lay that before Him. Pray for a hunger for His Word and a desire to become more like Jesus each day.
“Lord, thank You for saving me—not just to rescue me but to transform me. Help me to grow in faith, to dig deeper into Your truth, and to live a life that overflows with thankfulness. I want to be a strong and fruitful tree, rooted in You. Amen.”