[BIRTH thru K5]

To serve preschool age kids and help them understand Jesus on their level.




LittleLIFE. BIG purpose. LittleLIFE is an environment where every child who comes will HEAR TRUTH, FEEL LOVED, and grow up to KNOW THEIR PURPOSE. Our team culture provides opportunities for you as an active doorholder in this ministry to HEAR TRUTH, FEEL LOVED,
Be present to engage children with the truth of the gospel on their level. Create a safe and inviting place for children to feel like they belong. Engage children on their level with true stories from the Bible to teach them about God. Cultivate a bond of trust with kids and their families by serving consistently. Partner with families in raising children to know God and to follow Him.
LittleLIFE is a Sunday morning serve opportunity from 9:15am-10:30am OR 10:45am -12:00pm

Growers - Our Growers Room is for infants to 1 year olds. God’s love is shown to our infants through our leaders caring for and nurturing them and praying over their families. It is a place where faith is introduced to children through stories and music.

Movers - Our Movers Room is for kids ages 2-3. This room is characterized by active play, and helping children learn about Jesus on their level through music, bible story videos, games, crafts and simple verses.

Learners - Our Learners room is for kids who are 4y/o- kindergarten. This room is characterized by active play, and teaching engaging Bible stories with foundational truths. We include fun worship songs and simple memory verses as well as crafts and games.

Curriculum Prep Team - Coordinate with LittleLIFE Director to prepare curriculum for LittleLIFE rooms for the upcoming week. This role typically happens on a weekday and is great for those who cannot commit to a Sunday-specific serving role.

Team Leader - Lead a team of doorholders as they serve in LittleLIFE rooms every other week (this includes scheduling your team on Planning Center and investing in the doorholders on your team in multiple ways) *Must be a covenant member*
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.

[1ST thru 5TH GRADE]

To serve elementary age kids and help them understand Jesus on their level.




KidLIFE is an environment where we want every child who comes to be SEEN, have FUN, and help them find their place in God’s Big Story! Our team culture provides opportunities for you as an active doorholder in this ministry to SEE kids, host the FUN, and fulfill your purpose in God’s Big Story!
Be present to engage children with the truth of the gospel on their level.
Create a safe and inviting place for children to feel like they belong.
Engage children on their level with true stories from the Bible to teach them about God.
Cultivate a bond of trust with kids and their families by serving consistently.
Partner with families in raising children to know God and to follow Him.
Small group leader - Someone who enjoys helping kids feel seen and known while having fun and helping kids learn about Jesus! Serves during one gathering on Sundays.

Access - Someone who will help facilitate a fun and safe environment for our KidLIFE age kids who have different learning styles and communicate Jesus to them each week through videos, Bible stories, & play time. Serves during the 9:30 gathering as needed.

Coordinator - Someone who is not afraid to take charge and ensure the KidLIFE experience is running smoothly and staying on schedule. Serves either gathering, weekly or bi-weekly.

Large group leader - Someone with high energy and story-telling ability to communicate the Bible stories to KidLIFE kids on their level from the stage once per month.

Worship leader - Someone who can sing, dance, or play guitar or keyboard and has high energy to teach our kids how to praise God through music!

Greeter/Floater - Someone who can smile and greet kids by name as they arrive and be ready to step into any KidLIFE room that has a last minute need.

Curriculum Prep Team - Someone who will help the KidLIFE Director/NextGen Team prepare curriculum for KidLIFE rooms for the upcoming week. Serves on a weekday and is great for those who cannot commit to a Sunday-specific serving role.
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.

[6TH thru 12TH GRADE]

To serve junior high and high school students and help them understand Jesus on their level.




StudentLIFE. Preparing Students for Life.
Students are presented with TRUTH from God’s Word, shown LOVE that was first shown to us, and given PURPOSE by seeking His will. 
StudentLIFE prepares a space where all teenagers who come will be engaged with Truth, Love, and Purpose. Our mission is to see every Student in our community embody their Identity in Christ through God’s Word, to experience the Love of God through relationships with caring adults and fellow believers, and to be equipped to live out their purpose beyond this ministry.
Fuse Group Leader - Small group leaders who facilitate discussion questions related to and following a large group session. Fuse Group Leaders are given icebreakers, questions, and activities in advance to be best prepared ahead of time. *Must be a Covenant Member*

Fuse Group Lieutenant - Lieutenants help small group leaders who facilitate discussion questions related to and following a large group session. Fuse Group Lieutenants are given icebreakers, questions, and activities in advance to be best prepared ahead of time.

Technicians - Technicians work behind the scenes to enhance the environment with audio and visual elements. They run lights, sound, and slides that aid in the teaching of the gospel.

Safety Team - Safety Team members secure the environment inside and outside to create a safe and secure environment for students to encounter Jesus.
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.


To use musical gifts to lead people to truth through song.




Worship is more than music; it is our lives lived in response to the grace we've been shown through  Jesus and the cross. As a team, we use musical gifts to lead people to truth through song.
Each role serves on a 3 week rotation.

Acoustic Guitar Player - Someone with the ability to play consistent rhythm to a metronome and is able to retain chord sequences to memory. This role requires personal preparation during the week and a Sunday commitment from 7:15am - 11:30am.

Electric Guitar Player - Someone with an ability to replicate lead guitar tones and identifiable hooks, can play to a metronome, and is able to retain lead parts to memory. This role requires personal preparation during the week and a Sunday commitment from 7:15am - 11:30am.
Vocals — This role requires the ability to sing harmony and assists in leading The Gathering in musical worship. This role requires personal preparation during the week and a Sunday commitment from 7:15am - 11:30am. 
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.

To create a distraction-free environment where people can encounter Jesus.




We use the gift of technology to create a distraction-free environment where people can encounter the presence of God both inside our building and beyond our walls.
Each role serves on a 3 week rotation.

Camera Operators - Use visual interest and camera movements to capture the feel of what is happening in the space for online and overflow participants of The Gathering. No experience necessary. This role requires a Sunday commitment
from 8:15am - 11:30am.

Audio Tech - Use audio tools to enhance the sound experience of those participating in the in-person gathering.This individual oversees all instrumental, special-element, and vocal needs during the gathering. Experience appreciated but not required. This role requires a Sunday commitment from 7:15am - 11:30am.

Lyrics/Lights Operator - Use a pre-made program of lyrics, light sequences, and special gathering elements to help enhance the overall gathering experience. No experience necessary. This role requires a Sunday commitment
from 8:15am - 11:30am.

Livestream Director - Instruct camera operators and live-switch The Gathering. This individual uses special-elements such as lower-thirds and a press-button switcher to choreograph the online and overflow experience. No experience necessary. This role requires a Sunday commitment from 8:15am - 11:30am.
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.

To create a helpful & welcoming environment that serves the needs of those who attend.




First Impressions creates a welcoming experience, provides peace of mind, displays who we are and what we value, and sets the tone for future interactions.
Unlike many of the doorholder teams at The Exchange, First Impressions doorholders are not likely to be the ones having life change conversations. Instead, we get the privilege of laying the groundwork that helps someone become comfortable enough to have that life change experience in Jesus.
Environment Host  -  Better known as Guest Services, our goal is to create a warm and inviting environment for all people. We achieve this by greeting, serving, and connecting with everyone who joins each week. Our aim is to make people feel comfortable and at home in our building, ensuring that nothing hinders them from experiencing the gospel of Jesus. Serves 2-3 times per month 30 minutes before the gathering until 15 minutes into the gathering.

Online Host  -  Invite people into a comfortable digital environment where they can hear truth from wherever they are. Hosts also facilitate discussion in the comments, equip people to live out their faith, and help people see what it is like to join our church family in person. Serve 2-3 times per month for the entirety of one gathering.

Check-In Team  -  Welcomes people in and, most importantly for their role, provides parents with the peace of mind that their children are known, cared for, and safe so parents can experience the gathering without any concerns. Serves twice per month during one gathering 30 minutes before the gathering starts through the end of the gathering.

Photography Team  -  Captures moments of God moving in people’s hearts that tell the stories of who we are and what we value. Those moments then get shared out to church family members and people who have never stepped foot in our doors, but are being discipled by our online presence. Typically serves once a month either during a Sunday gathering or at a non-gathering opportunity.
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.

To facilitate gospel-centered conversation and provide community and care.




LIFEgroups are groups for men, women, or couples who meet regularly for community and growing together in God’s Word with the goal of sharing life together.
Men's Group Host
Women's Group Host
Couple's Group Host

LIFEgroup Hosts serve by hosting a group of men, women, or couples who meet weekly or bi-weekly. Groups meet in homes or other locations in our community. They grow together through reading passages of Scripture or Bible study material, eat together, have group hangout times, and care for one another.

Hosts communicate meeting times and locations, facilitate discussion during group gatherings, and help coordinate care among their group, while encouraging spiritual growth and group multiplication.

LIFEgroup Hosts do not have to have prior theological training or be a skilled teacher. They simply need a desire to love people, a heart to serve others, and a passion to see people connect with Jesus.
You've seen the purpose of the team, you've read about the need, and you've learned about the roles. Now, it's time to determine if this is the right place for you to serve.
  • Evaluate if your skills fit.
  • Pray and listen for the Spirit's guidance.
  • Join a team.